The broadband of 90s.
Curious kid: How did you connect to the Internet in 90s?

Geek: Through a 56k modem - the broadband of 90s.
by Skate finder October 29, 2019
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A method of connecting to the Internet that should have gone extinct by now.
If cable modems were cheaper, the 56k'er would cease to exist.
by D-san September 5, 2003
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The worst way to connect to the Internet. Ever.

Some people have valid reasons for using 56k, such as living out of the range of broadband. Most, however, are just too cheap or stupid to buy something better.
My girlfriend's dad works at home on Ebay over his 56k Internet connection.
by Vayne April 9, 2005
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a incredibly slow internet connection where you need to wait days for a porn video to download
-"You have ISDN or something?"
-"no i have 56k"
by Warador December 5, 2002
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something poor people use to connect to the interweb. It's slow as shit and uses a phone modem. It forces you to do this strange "dialing up" thing before you get on.
I have 56k. I am on welfare. I use AOL.
by me March 19, 2003
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a piss-poor connection that is the slowest thing around.
you seen that tortoise beat my 56k to the first bridge? hell even a floppy disk full of bad sectors is faster than this pathetic shit..
by TV sucks December 12, 2004
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the medium pathetic llama noobs usually use to bother others in the cyber world
only idiots get aol
by uncle sam August 7, 2003
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