10 definitions by Scarface

phrase used to express a desire to get a party started. Often followed by the phrase "off the hook."
Let's raise the roof until this party is off the hook!
by Scarface December 27, 2002
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The sound that is made when a penis is slapped across an unsuspecting face.
Budadadada..."That's what you get you stupid cunt nigger!"
by Scarface February 19, 2004
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An intelligent human women who is captain goggles by day and captain pool by night. She gets her super hero power from eating Bush’s baked beans honey bacon flavor style. She will only save you if she’s near a pool. If you not by a pool just expect to not make it out. Sometimes clicks a pen to try and annoy people even though it doesn’t work.
by Scarface September 25, 2018
the act of inserting one or both testicles in a girls asshole while banging her.
"damn man, i was fucking cindy last night and i gave her a SF-hotpocket when i shoved my balls in her ass.
by Scarface February 18, 2005
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A program designed by VALVe to make more money out of their games, and convenience gamers by auto updating games, and adding a friends/im system. This makes them more money because they dont have to pay the publisher as much money so instead of getting 15 bucks a copy after all the publishing fees, they get about 40. It was released over one and a half years ago with many bugs, those bugs were fixed, but people still blame steam on their crappy comp
steam is much better, just because ur 4 year old comp and ur 56k connection cant run the game fast, doesn't mean its steam fault. What would u rather do, Wait for 5 hours inline on fileplanet, or directly download content from one of steam 44 content servers.
by Scarface November 30, 2004
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The best fucking whiskey on earth!
"Hey lets go get some VO and get fucking hammered!"
by Scarface February 19, 2004
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