The act of using any kind of drugs ( Mostly Marijuana, acid, or any other kind of mind fucker. ) and then going to school.
Most are Middle School, High school, and College experience this.
" Dude, after my Educated Stance, I couldn't even write that day. "
by Shinzo November 10, 2009
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The only REAL Punk band today, their singer has the unpolished kind of voice like The Clash's and The Ramones's singers. This band also has good guitar and a very Punk sound. It is too bad that this band is Japanese and you can't understand them. I recommend listening to the song "No Boy No Cry". It is a good song. The vocals aren't the best because it is Punk.
person1: what song is this.
person2: No Boy No Cry, by the Stance Punks, an actual punk song, unlike the gay mainstream shit that is called punk.
person1: it sounds retarded!
person2: you know what sounds retarded? the gay fake punk thats on the radio.
person1: this isn't punk
person2: just learn about The Clash and The Ramones, thats real punk.
by joe725 March 23, 2007
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A surfer who lacks the appropriate balance required for proficiency, thus needing his feet to be planted wider than normal in order to not fall off the board. Usually a beginner or otherwise kook lacking style.
Look at that wide stance kook proning in the whitewater!
by brentmcd October 1, 2007
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Refers to the stature of a male who has an over-abundance of genitalia.
Of course he has a wide stance; he's packing some serious sausage between his legs. Dude needs room.
by Project ACB October 1, 2007
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9K Racing Battle Stanced

Track ready cars who care about performance and looks.

Stretch tires are lame as fuck so beef it up with some meaty tire fitment.

Ready to rock
"That 550hp car is mad battle stanced with those 335/40/18 tires in the rear"
by 9K Racing May 24, 2012
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Variant of the Captain Morgan stance, usually done by politicians in campaign videos. Typically executed with the raised foot on a school desk and with the upper body leaned forward a bit. Often accented by draping a coat/jacket over one shoulder.
I'm surprised Obama won, given the distinct lack of power stances during his campaign.
by Kaaosa May 27, 2009
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You are all wrong. If you want to know what it really is, listen to The podcast of the 'Only Lovers Left Alive' 26/09/2009 radio show on Recharged Radio (

It's a show with the writers of the song, creators of 'The Buffalo' in the late 80s, and some of 'The Ants' (Adam and the Ants) too.
Buffalo Stance Neneh Cherry
by islandbunny07 September 25, 2009
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