A variable speed control module used by the Casablanca fan company from 1980 until 1984. Utilized a "heat sinc" module and a variable speed potentiometer. The circuit board would increase and lessen the voltage traveling to the motor via the potentiometer in order to speed up and slow down the fan's rotation. Very nice fan control, but also very prone to malfunctioning and in extreme cases even catching on fire.
Dammit my Slumber Quiet fan failed, now I have to replace it with a regular three speed fan.
by daddyjenkins July 20, 2019
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Last one up, that can't fall asleep due to excitement from socializing. Being hushed only encourages uncontrollable laughter.

Can Also Be: Phenomenon when you are still awake and uncontrollably laughing in a social situation where you're supposed to be asleep.

Same as: SlumberParty Syndrome
Blue was suffering from slumber party syndrome as she couldn't stop uncontrollably laughing hyena style, as everyone else is passed the fuck out.
by alliue December 18, 2008
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When having a sleepover you stay up all night, and the next day you are extremely exhusted and lathergic.
Winston: You look like a zombie, what time did you fall asleep?
Oscar: James was over last night and we didnt get to bed to 5.
Winston: You might want to get some sleep.
Oscar: Yea I know, it's from the slumber party hangover.
by Nichkolas December 29, 2007
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A party in which several aquantinces gather for all of the simple recreational purposes of any normal slumber party. Watch movies, consume popcorn, tell stories and then procede to piss in anything imaginable sitting around the house. Popular hiding places for ones urine include but are not limited to; Windex, Shoe, Sink, An Opperating Fan, VCR, 'Yo Mouf', The Oven, The Microwave, Your Friends Sleeping Bag, Sock Drawer and The Icecube Tray In The Freezer. This is all done while the actual owner of the house is gone.
"Why does my house smell like piss?"

"It looks like a Slumber Pee Party went down here. Call the cops and let's get this place quarantined.
by Mr.Fluky May 18, 2009
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A Canadian Slumber Party is when there are three or more players from one team in the penalty box at the same time.
Oh man check out that Canadian Slumber Party they have four guys in the box
by Sjcleve November 12, 2015
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Wise words by a man named Xavier in the show Xavier: Renegade Angel. This immaculate sentence can be interpreted as sleeping with a cucumber. In a certain type of way, because you get no affection by a physical being.
Person 1: "You nappa, you get slappa"
Person 2: "You slumber a cucumber."
Person 1: Crys and weeps for he is defeated
by LilHoss4k April 27, 2023
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A sleepover involving two or more members of the male sex.
"Hey- let's have a slumbering man party"
"Yeah- we could watch Rambo."
by Kierstinf128 June 16, 2009
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