the art of scat (defecating on ones face)
paul got shit-faced when he stayed at dawgs
by rahxx May 4, 2005
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The uncontrollable urge to spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook!
My wife is always getting shit Faced communicating with anyone who will read her meaningless Facebook postings!
by Chancellor Ron January 3, 2011
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The Shit Face is a sexual act involving two consenting adults. It involves two people in a 69 sex position, but the male's face, tongue, and mouth is in the girl's asshole, while the girl shits into his mouth. The same can be applied to gay men, lesbians, or homeless people.
Stanley: Bro, you did not do The Shit Face last night with Monica, did you?
Chester: I definitely did, and I tasted fresh poop from her asshole. She gave me The Shit Face last night and it was awesome!
Stanley: You're sick, man. You need help.
Chester: Don't knock it till you try it, bro.
Stanley: No man, just no.
by efishies15 January 26, 2019
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A person under the age of majority who is completely drunk.
Man he's shit faced
by Anonymous May 24, 2003
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When someone is being a total ignorant little prick, and they bother the shit out of you.
Cameron, shut the fuck up you shit face sally. You're pissing me off.
by bryan03 December 29, 2016
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Shit-Faced is commonly seen in movies, when a guy it going to try to get wit a woman or vice versa. The word is said when the event occures, usually in pastence. And it has to happen later on in the act, it can't be at the start. Now if rebecca would have said fuck you! the first line that isnt getting shit-faced.
Hoolio: hey, how are you?
Rebecca: good you ?
Meaningless conversation and......
Hollio: so do you want to go back to my place ?
Rebecca: fuck you, perverted ass hole!
Witness: aw haha dude u just got shit-faced! haha
by stricky September 1, 2007
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When someone is shit face drunk and has a mischievous grin

See also: shit faced
Shawn has that shit faced grin again
by phantaxtic August 12, 2014
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