1) A starch-filled crop, usually grown in bulk by farmers. Tastes great boiled and salted.
2) Someone who is excessively fat.
1) Hey man, could you bring me a bowl of mashed potatoes?
2) Get off the sofa, you fatass potato!
by The Epicest face ever March 14, 2016
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A very cool plant it's used for fries and other stuff

Fact:You can't eat potatoes with a spoon or a neckmask on
by Jjsjjsusjjdndudhrhidjdhdu April 30, 2020
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Jess: Bro is dat a potato
Cooper: Bloody oath it is m8
by Oldm8 August 19, 2015
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Something 13 year olds girls say to be "quirky" and "funny"
"Potato XD"
by Smackaboo May 14, 2021
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When you not mad you got rekt at something
Just got rekt in game of league. ggwp no potato
by Hip_on_the_know April 3, 2015
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what the entire population of the internet identifies as. a fricking potato.
a: potatoes are cool
b: thanks for the compliment bro
a: what do you mean lol
b: im a potato, so by saying potatoes are cool, you're saying that im cool, which is a compliment directed to me.
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