A creepy individual that is obsessed with thoughts of sex. Will make anything sexual. Most likely still a virgin or not very familiar with the actual act of sex.
I know this one creepy pervert that acts like such a poser when it comes to sex. Truth is, he is still a virgin that wets the bed and cries when he's faced with the act of sex.
by KittensNBeans December 15, 2014
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a person who always looks for that dank ass pussy and that disgusting ass dick a bit too often.
Lewis Tracey saw christopher and christopher touched his balls. christopher is a PERVERT.
by mason dunn May 29, 2017
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Someone who takes everything other people say in a way that makes them feel very tingly inside.
1) Me.

2) My best friend.
by Me December 26, 2003
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A person (usually lonely men!)
1.)Who lusts after younger people..........
2.)Who constanly staring at your privates and/or touching
3.) Who is/ Or A Rapist
1.)pervert:Hey sexy how old are you age is nothing but a number wanna hook up?
other person:Ummm no.And im under 18
pervert:Soooo wat?
other:U pervert!!!
2.)pervert:(Slaps u in the but)
other:u pervert!! And why are u in the girls bathroom? (and calls the police)
3.)pervert:Hey kids i hav candy in my van!!
by lalaLai August 14, 2012
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A man who thinks he's the greatest thing on earth. He is constantly thinking about sex, uses the words 'Penis,' 'Ho,', 'Bitch,' 'Jizz,' 'Pussy,' and more in daily conversation, and can turn any regular sentence into something sexual. He has no respect for girls at all and looks at them like nothing more than sex toys. He says things like "My bitch was sucking my dick last night."
Guy 1: How's your girlfriend doing?

Pervert: That bitch got boned hard last night!
by BassGuitar546 August 7, 2011
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guys who are very lonely and are desperately horny that 'violate' a female to gain satisfaction perv
~Brad F.

~Eric C.

Girl: Stop looking down my shirt, you perverts!
by Anonymous Band Geek :P March 7, 2007
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one who spends most of his time in his room at his coputer looking at porn and jcking off. his only source of action from another human is usually sluts who only do them cause they have no morals.
Perve: hey can i touch your boobs
Girl:who the fuck are you
Perve:i'm arnold and your hot.
Girl:SLAP. fuckin perve. go jack off.
Perve:(as she walks away)but i already did that today.
by orange March 13, 2005
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