A rumored game that is suppose to come out some time, its the sequel to Battlefield 2.
Noob: Did you hear about the rumors around Battlefield 3?
Pwner: Yeah, doesn't matter I'll still pwn you, and you'll cry about hacks, fgt.
by The$ypH January 31, 2008
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A "WW2" game that does not live up to its supposed tags except fps and has a lot of micro transactions
Guy#1: Hey have you heard about that new WWII game called Battlefield V
Guy#2: You mean EA new marketing scheme
by joinlel December 10, 2019
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Top 3 Reasons why the 2002 is the best year:

1. Call of Duty didn't exist on that year until 2003

2. Acting like a fanboy don't exist

3. Quick scoping, Hard scoping, Perks didn't exist
Battlefield 1942 is awesome, I'll be playing this all day
by Bultergood August 1, 2011
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Perhaps the worst motion picture ever released, not just because of how bad of a movie it was, but due to the criminal fraud charges levvied on the producers, Franchise Pictures, for overstating the film's budget in an attempt to scam investors.
If you are looking for a movie so bad that it was a crime to produce, Battlefield Earth is the perfect example.
by nick weiner August 21, 2008
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What is with all the Germans that play this game?

It's like 60% krouts, 20% Americans, and 20% other.
Pvt. Parts: someone get a medic over here!

Sgt. Balls: i need an engineer asap

Superfightermanboy (GER): loflmao schess schiess schess schussen

Sgt. Balls: fucking krout
by come to pappa January 19, 2005
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The newest game to be released in the Battlefield series. It is free to play, the only thing that will cost real money, perhaps, is clothes and such.

The only current bad thing is that it's still in Private Beta Phase 2, meaning you need a key, so the forums are spammed with people asking for others keys.
Spammer: Can I have your Battlefield Heroes key? I really want to play...

Me: Yea, my key is.....SORRY, NO KEY FOR YOU.
by Da Milkman April 8, 2009
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Battlefield 2142 is the next generation version of Battlefield 1942 where generic enemy country A fights generic enemy country B, with basically the same weapons, but with different names.

Nerg the Gagu!
Battlefield 2142 - Oh noes teh ice!
by Dan Steele May 8, 2006
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