a complete mind blowing concoction of different kool-aid flavors
"Dude, what is this? It's amazing!"

"It's that niggie soup, bro!!!"
by channibal February 20, 2010
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a stick, hammer or any other meelee weapon used to bop niggies (or niggers)
you cant live in this city without a niggie bopper, them niggies are everywhere
by 420stoner June 10, 2009
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1. one whose face is black.
2. an idiot.
1. Man did you see that niggie face?!
2. "Well no shit niggie face i think we all knew that."
by tim3253265 July 12, 2006
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unfortunately A type of marijuana bought usually from a last minute dealer who makes you wait three extra hours just to give you the dirtiest skimpiest sticks with the brown buds, enough seeds to grow your own field of dirty butt, Along with stems that splinter into your fingers while breakin it up.it could appear green and you may feel a burn in your throat that may trick you into thinking its good but dont let it fool you its just one of the butts dirty tricks.If all your friends throw down and you pick up "niggy butt" sack..you will be cryin in a corner with a bloody nose because your friends hate you and all you have left is a sack of butt that will never take away the pain.
Twig: dude i dont even care man call ryan im Freakin!

Weez: shit we might as well call D if you wanna waste your money on "niggy butt".
by Wayne Hines March 31, 2008
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P1: Bro did you see that niggy melon today?
P2: dude i saw it i was gonna buy it for $15
by PenisCockLicker100 January 14, 2021
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A person who makes you beyond happy with everything they do
My niggy nugget is amazing and I love them so much
by Niggynugget🙃 June 13, 2017
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A small-ish black person, in the company of a bigger person of the same or different race.
"Why do they have little pocket-niggi's?"
" Al is my Pocket-niggi, he's over there."
by aphrodite3890 July 2, 2015
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