When someone wants to jerk off before doing something today
Friend; "Hey, let's hangout today"
Me; "Ok but first let me catch my nut"
by GuyFromTheDM'S August 12, 2016
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To not care, to be able to let your Guard down, to not give a fuck , be good in your hood
Aye yo blood, we don’t check in nowhere. I don’t roll wit 50 niggas blood, I let my nuts hang .
by Ahahshshsbhx April 2, 2018
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Another way to say "chill out", "leave me alone", or "get off my ass."

Gets great response, causes the person who's on your ass to shut the hell up and back down.

Mom: Gonzo, did you do your homework yet?
Gonzo: Ma, hop of my nuts.
Mom: Yes master.


Fatass in car behind me: (Honking) Hey asshole, get off the road!
Gonzo: What the hell am I supposed to do? The jackoff in front of me is going slow, so hop off my nuts.
Fatass: Oh, sorry. I'm fat and stupid.
by GONZO! April 16, 2006
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Phrase used when when emo raging or for shits and giggles usually referring to tea bagging.
(Guy dies playing halo)"You can get on my nuts!"

(Guy talking to friend that nobody likes)"Hey Joe, get on my nuts."
by BAMF38 January 13, 2011
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The act of carusone being made to hold moyers nuts often interchangeable with dennis
Carusone, hold my nuts
by KongDongVonHuge'n'Long November 5, 2020
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An expression used by a person who is feeling pressure in a social situation by either a specific individual or a group of people. This specific individual or group of people are usually trying to get the person who uses the expression to do something that they don't want to do.
"Every time I go home for the holidays my grandmother never fails to ask me about when I am going to settle down, get married, and have kids. I'd never say it out loud, but in my head I'm like 'get off my nuts grandma!'"
by NYLAsexbomb November 24, 2006
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V. to ejaculate, usually used by males to describe what level of sexual play they would like to achieve with a female
Mike: "So you wanna date her or what?"
Daniel: "Nah man, I'm just tryna get my nut off. You know what I'm sayin?"
by Korubi July 21, 2008
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