1. The best, aka "o kalliteros"
2. The greatest love of Marilena's life (refer to marilena for further details)
3. Really GOOD FUCK.
1. No one is better than Marios.
2. Marilena has never loved anyone as she loves Marios
3. I am horny...I need a Marios!
by treno vroma bitch April 6, 2005
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Mario "Jumpman" Mario is a plumber born in Brooklin New York on October 11th (year unknown) alongside his younger twin Brother Luigi Mario, he later discovered the Mushroom Kingdom thanks to Princess Peach Toadstool and is now living there permanently.

He is the star and main character from the Super Mario franchise, the most successful video game franchise of all time and he is widely known as the most popular character originating from a video game, even exceeding Mickey Mouse in popularity with children.

Mario is a typical human with extraordinary (near god-like) abilities, that includes:

Super Strength: Mario has been shown lifting entire castles weighting Millions of tons and even carryring a Neutron Star weighting about 750 Septillion tons.

Super Speed and reflexes: Mario has performed many incredible speed feats over the years, being mostly portrayed as massively faster than light, even faster than time and space in some occasions.

Super Stamina: Mario took several impressive blows and crushes througout his adventures, survived many atomic bombs with huge amounts of Megatons of force, even survived his own universe collapsing and resetting and took hits from Dreamy Bowser, a being who is apparently as powerful as he wishes to be, making Mario theoritically more powerful than anything that ever existed and will ever exist.

...and the list goes on...

Mario is often plumbing as his main occupation, but has to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser Koopa on a daily basis
Mario Mario
by Plasmariel August 2, 2020
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Usually a very handsome, smart and athletic guy. If he leaves you alone at midnight, when its raining and you have no clue how to get home, take it personal, because to everyone else hes super nice. So he either likes you or he hates you for absolutly no reason, there is no in between. Fuck you
Hello, its-a me, Mario!
by Malvon November 6, 2020
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Don't get me wrong, I love the game. But I think it's time to cut the crap. You people deserve the true definition of how this all started.

Mario is a plumber who hates his crap life-no pun intended-so he gets fucked up off mushrooms and goes on crazy adventures with his brother, Luigi. The goal of his adventures is saving a stupid princess who seems to get a kick off getting kidnapped by a giant turtle named Bowser (how she doesn't run away from a slow moving turtle is beyond me).

Most common occurrence on those adventures is finding green shrooms and getting even more fucked up that they gain an extra life! 2nd most common is finding red shrooms and now they grow about 10 feet in size.

They find coins sometimes, only to support their drug habits and get more shrooms. In the old games, they used to find a raccoon suit that made them fly, but nowadays, they don't find any good shrooms to do that anymore. Fire flower power up is really diarrhea kicking in.

Goombas= dog turds, for some reason it's fun to stomp on them. They have no hands, they can't do anything to you.
When they lose a life, it's really the shrooms wearing off, until it's game over and then they wake up in jail.
You got any shrooms? Mario hears a princess in need of rescuing.
by Raw Doggy April 10, 2010
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An Italian extremist who terrorizes mushrooms, gorillas, turtles, and many other poor innocent creatures. All is well in the mushroom kingdom when this terrorist invades, searching for a prostitute known as Princess Peach. None shall stand in his way, as is demonstrates when defacing the kingdom, ripping up fire flowers, destroying boxes, and murdering innocent citizens. The king of the kingdom, Dr. Bowser, tried to have a peaceful negotiation with this threat to society, but to no avail. Mario continues to threaten the once peaceful land...

He is also prominent in other locations, notably, space, where he flies from planet to planet spreading his wrath. This interstellar warfare can be seen in the Super Mario Galaxy games for Wii.

Who can stop this madman?
Guy 1: hey Mario acts all cool, but he's really a douche. What did the goombas ever do to him eh?

Guy 2: well they do move sideways in a slow manner, hoping to touch Mario and cause him to spin and fall from the screen, with annoying music in the background.

Guy 1: whatever... all I'm saying is that this dude needs to CHILLAX
by Cynixhumorz August 21, 2010
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