A phrase used to point out that a friend is constantly texting rather than giving their full attention to the current social situation. It is like they are there but not there.
*While watching the hockey game*
Ted: Damn, Sergio! You have been texting the entire period and have missed every goal. You are texting your life away!
Sergio: *silence as he is busy texting and didn't even hear the comment*
by Alibaster Snair January 18, 2011
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To inform one to reconsider ones mind state
Ryan: Paul are you going out tonight?

Paul: No I am with aisling

Ryan: Sort your life out!
by Comedi October 7, 2006
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hating something or someones life.
GOSH AI-Lien or Yvonne i dont wanna recover shit! I HATE YOUR LIFE!!
by Helma! October 29, 2006
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person 2: please leave me alone you’ve been following me for half an hour
by February 1, 2023
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EMP a electromagnetic pulse disables electrical systems by spreading particles in the air such as electrons etc

EMP life support means disabling life support on someone therefore killing them
EMP your life support

EMP your nanna's life support
i wish i could EMP the people in that hospital
-- feel free to make your own quotes aswell ;) --
by annonymous 1223 XD April 9, 2016
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When you hit that good good so hard, a little bit of pee comes out. You don't feel it immediately because you're sitting down, but when you stand up that shit hits you so hard you fall and hit your head straight on the counter and shart. Common side effects are hillusinations, munchies, and loss of consciousness.
If you take the biggest hit of your life, you will most likely wake up in the morning with shit in your pants and no recollection of the previous night.
by His_Dudelyness May 31, 2015
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