I bought this payphone for the crib, it is MAD ill.
by Anonymous December 18, 2002
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A term to describe a male being (of sorts) that is continuously 'creeping, lurking or lingering' in your personal space, especially after politely asking them to 'go away'.

Has a complete disregard towards self-hygiene and cleanliness.

Is a being/creature that will stalk you not only via cyber networking but physically. Once the 'Illes' targets his pray, he will drop neverending euphemisms, sexual 'pesting', harassment towards the guy - irrelevant of their sexual orientation.

Will download your (the victims) personal online photos, e.g. Instagram/Facebook and edit them to his liking without any permission whatsoever, moreover, he will then 'resend' the edited photos back to the victim in the hope that the victim is psychologically twisted and finds it endearing.

Other Forms of Illes include:
Adverb: Illesing
Synonyms: Piece of shit, Dirty Queer, Fat dirty slob, Le Bas/ Breno hunter

How to spot an Illes?
By applying the precious information displayed above.

They are in your supermarkets, playgrounds, swimming pools; toys r us stores, the white lion. They are everywhere, take care of yourself lads. It's an epidemic.

Trust no person named 'Illes' for it will be the very last mistake you ever make.
Did you see Liam 'Illes' ? He was lurking again.

That Illes put ruffe in my drink last night, called the police but they couldn't do anything. They also fell victim to 'the creature'.
Not long until rape has ensued upon the weak - Quote 'Liam Illes'
by Victimoftheilles999 March 29, 2018
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instead of ily, say ils.
not ily as in, i love you, but ily as the sense of the word with no meaning with the letters.
so. just say ils how it looks, no letters meaning anything
Dude 1: "duude. ily!."
Dude 2: "aw. ills you too!"
by lauraistheeshiz June 25, 2010
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bad, stupid stuff, dumb remarks, pulling the crud (pro. Illin')
#1-"Aye man, yesterday I was getting gas and I pulled the gas pump out to soon and gas was all over me"

#2-"damn, you illin'!!!"
by daband December 5, 2003
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"I Literally Laughed"
A new take on LOL since LOL has lost all meaning due to it being overused.
Alyssa: I'm giggling on teh toilet
Stacey: ILL
by iheartlolcats April 16, 2008
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It’s an adjective and it means having or showing a bad temper; being annoyed and irritable; being cranky or disagreeable. You know the sort of person, they come into work pissed off with everything and everybody and just looking for an excuse to blame somebody for everything that is wrong in their crappy lives, the world, the universe. Thoroughly unpleasant shitbags.
He’s nothing but an ill-tempered scrote.
by AKACroatalin April 29, 2015
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The most entertaining rap I have listened to to date
Your momma's wack, your granny's wack, I keep a handy wipe in my fanny pack
by lindsay the gangster June 2, 2005
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