the word that most roblox kiddies claims they're good at, especially when they're on a fight with someone in roblox
nutsacktutorials360_HD: lmao stop stealing oxygen, you're a waste of space on this planet
denisdailyfan2007: you're?! you mean your? your grammer sucks you idiot!
by kowaIski May 4, 2019
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retad u hav bad grammer
by December 30, 2022
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Guy in chat: “stop being such a grammer police.”

by HawaiianHotShot October 9, 2019
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It's not an idiotic way to spell 'grammar'. It's an idiotic way to live – always doin it for the gram – being a grammer.
I saw this grammer on the hike. She has like 20k followers. She captured a picture of me, among 200 other pictures she took at the summit. Omg I'm going to be famous.
by kurukku.buddhi November 19, 2020
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It be good speech much people cares bout
Yo I luv ur dawg

by You good fam April 25, 2018
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A typo-way of saying "grammar". Or just the fucking retarded way of saying "grammar". This is something you will see on the internet, used by people who correct other people's grammar. What people don't know is... oh yeah... YOU DON'T NEED GRAMMAR TO BE ON THE INTERNET, DUMBASSES!
"squirrels are fucking stupid, why do you even like them"
"Ur so mean! Do not treat grammer like that."
by PI55 September 4, 2018
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What a person who claims they have grammar, but doesn't, actually has.
Joshulinga can't spell anything, he has perfect grammer.
by chimken_nunget August 24, 2019
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