n. A slang term for the police. Shortened version of 5-0.
n. "Niggas must be back to slangin' on the corner again, I just seen the five roll by."
by fencecat42 December 17, 2010
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to five someone is to replace a real number in your phone number with the number 5 when you don't really want to give out your number
-"Ew that dude was really lame..i can't believe i gave him my number"
-"Ohh man you should've fived him!!"
by meta sigma November 9, 2008
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To offer an explanation especially in a legal context
1) She fived the reason for coming late. 2) The judge didn’t accept the excusehe defendant fived.
by Reb Meir August 5, 2018
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'yo man there's a five coming our way'
'shit man run'
by Nate-JG July 19, 2008
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When two average looking people, who would be a good match for one another, both claim they'd never be interested in someone as unattractive as the other
"Dave and Jill would be perfect for one another - they're both funny, interesting, and not terribly attractive - they need to stop committing five on five crime."
by Brithlem May 17, 2017
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Similar to a "faux-five."

When giving some one a high five you stop at the last minute. However, instead of just dodging the high five you form your fiving hand into a finger and shake it at the person. A stern glare should accompany this gesture. Sometimes a loud "No!" is also appropriate.

No-fives should usually be used as friend punishment. A great way to get some ones hopes up then crush them at the last minute.
When Keith told me he finally caught Raiku he thought he was pretty cool... until I No-fived him.

I really deserved the No-five I got after losing to a girl in air hockey.
by Watermaine October 29, 2008
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A high-performance, foreign car with a five-speed transmission
"Always wanted fame/Always wanted cash/To live fast/Get the girls with the biggest ass/Fuck a 9 to 5/Gotta drive a five/Now that I got it, the hardest thing to do is stay alive." -Nas
by DickShunery June 22, 2012
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