Can mean several things:

1) A movie that is right on the cusp of being taken out of theaters.

2) A terrible or less than enjoyable movie you can view at home.

Both have the same purpose. To create a backdrop to either making out, talking, or a friendly get-together. The former of which is the most common.
"Hey man, i'm taking this girl out to see Madagascar 3!"

"What? In early August? Dude, that is such an Excuse-Movie now. What are you really planning on doing?"

"...possibly getting my hand down her pants..."

"Yeah, have fun with that while Katy Perry is blasting in the background."
by Pelican501 September 6, 2012
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An excuse used for when someone says a stupid thing and later uses an excuse that says they were trolling to make themselves look smarter and seek to defend or justify.
A: I do not like Minecraft, IMO.
C: Calm down, it is his opinion.
D: Do you know what IMO means? It means (in my opinion), now grow up and respect opinions
D: Really, a troll excuse?

C: Good job, I hope you feel better now honey!
by MightyandSonic January 1, 2015
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trying to be popular even though people think your a dick, geek, or nerd.
Dude! Stop acting like an excuse master. Besides, you are the stupid one anyway.
by A.C. Cortez May 20, 2016
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A word that no one has ever heard about. Technically something that a drama queen would say.
Cheyenne: I made out with your boyfriend last night

Whitney: excuse-a-may?!
by Betty Jo February 15, 2019
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Usually a container (but not limited to) one may store a collection of deceptive excuses.

Another example of an Excuse box may be Post-It notes with excuses on each note.
Guy: So when are we going to have sex?

Girl: Well the thing is... I have AIDS.

Girl 2: I should really add that to my excuse box.
by Ilikeyouulol December 4, 2009
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When something or someone has a poor excuse to a problem they caused.

Named from the game developver known as Bethesda for their glitchy games that people find every excuses known to man to forgive them for.
First Guy - Open world games are prone to glitches. It's the way things are.

Second Guy- Sounds like a Bethesda Excuse to me
by Superhippy1986 March 18, 2013
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Da lame-a** "hardship-justification" retort of, "Well, the natives in the jungle don't have any ___, but THEY seem to manage just fine, so quit yer whinin'!" dat is impatiently/insensitively snorted at someone who is complaining/objecting about a particular inadequacy in his present environment; i.e., a lack/insufficiency of such basic-to-reasonably-tolerable-living things as toys/entertainment, air-conditioning, transportation, palatable-to-him food, etc. Often this arrogant reasoning is totally invalid, of course, since like as not whatever disagreeable condition dat is being objected to is indeed unacceptably harsh or distressing, and thus should indeed be remedied or alleviated... just because some backwoods primitives residing thousand of miles away happen to live a certain way usually has nothing whatever to do with what is reasonable for everyday life in a civilized world, especially with modern technology (one should seldom use da "Think how hard/thin our dirt-poor ancestors had to live!" excuse, either) and assistance-programs dat will often provide for these types of basic-comfort needs.
The infamous/hypocritical "Sheriff Joe" --- who has since been convicted of multiple catastrophic financial and human-rights atrocities --- used to carry the "aboriginal excuse" concept to a whole new level of brutal mistreatment: complained to about the 110-degree-plus temps at his prison's infamous tent-city, he once said, "Well, it's 120 degrees in Iraq, and our soldiers are living in tents, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths!" Again, of course, this is a totally invalid argument --- just because servicemen sometimes have to endure severe conditions, that does not have anything to do with what is reasonable for the rest of us to withstand under fairly-ordinary circumstances.
by QuacksO December 29, 2020
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