
An energy vampire (or more commonly known as an "energy vamp") is a person that feeds off the life force or energy (or ch'i) of other living creatures - mostly other people. Can also be known as pranic vampire, empathic vampire, energy predator, psy-vamp, energy parasite, emotional vampire or one of my ex-girlfriends.

Basically, anyone who sucks the energy out of a room or removes (feeds from) the energy of others.

see also:
- Succubus or Incubus of Judeo-Christian mythology.
Dan is back to his old self now that he has broken it off with that energy vamp, Michelle, he dating that sucked his life force from him and drained the fun out of every room she entered.
by gtbarry March 23, 2009
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Stored energy in an object caused by gravity, or tension.
The rock had lots of potential energy before it fell on my jimmy.
by Big_Jimmy_$w@g May 21, 2014
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Dom Mazzetti's description of a can of Four Loko
used because it is alcohol, caffeine, and other dangerously combined substances (see definition of Four Loko for more accurate ingredients)
Adam: "Hey, watcha drinkin' there Dom?"
Dom: "Energy beer. Four Loko."
by matthewre July 10, 2011
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Someone energetic. Like a bundle of energy or a ball of energy but this one will burst from being extra.
by JeffuGoodu August 11, 2017
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what girls from the midwest with botched plastic surgery say to make themselves feel special
"did you see that girl is STILL trying to make ~cloud energy~ happen?"

"yeah, she's really emitting CLOWN energy lmfao"
by girl blunt April 3, 2019
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When someone is stuck up, thinks their farts smell like Chanel #5, thinks she’s hot shit but in reality is not. This is correlated with individuals that have gotten a bbl.
Sadia is giving off BBL energy. She needs to relax
by Ashley34 May 24, 2023
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A aura you can feel when you see someone who acts crazy and weird especially when around a group of friends.
Bonquesha has crackhead energy.
I sense he has crackhead energy
by GimmeKith June 1, 2019
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