The part of susi that chigger likes to see. A harlot type creature that stalks the night wearing netted stockings and gay boots. Has extremly smug tendencies and is far superior too all other humans. Hair styled like that of sonic the hedgehog. Has weird obbsession with childrens toys.
The cluck knuckle will come sit on your head and hatch your eyes out.
by ratbo and chigger April 23, 2009
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holy shit did you see cluck norris kick that kids ass
by dickvill September 12, 2008
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A spicy saturday night ritual involving tabasco sauce, lots of ranch dressing, and six dudes in a circle chewin' and jerkin' chicken on a table
I wasn't sure how much to tip the guy for buzz-clucking 'cause he paid for the sauce
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To be cock blocked by a chick.
eg. At the BBQ Aryeh was trying to hit on Ilana but was cluck blocked by Rebecca who quite fancied the pants off him.

Usage: "Man, that girl totally cluck blocked you!"
by LemonLion October 30, 2013
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The act of masturbation, particularly masturbation so furious that the action of one's hand causes the genitals to begin making a flapping or clapping noise.
That fat loser became so aroused watching lesbian porn that he dropped his pants in front of everyone and started making his hand cluck.
by Charlie Tang July 7, 2005
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1. to trade off/sell someones belongings(usually stolen) for drugs(usually more hardcore drugs such as Crack, Heroin, Meth, etc.)

Also: Clucked

Finch - "I'ma go cluck off Switch's little brother's gamecube so we can get some dope."
by SwitchBlade May 29, 2006
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A mighty acorns baseball legend of Oakey Oaks also known as Buck ‘Ace’ Cluck. He has a New York accent. He’s always disappointed in his son and can’t keep on telling everyone how embarrassed he is that his son keeps on making ‘one little slip’ about the sky falling. However he does like Plan B.

All around he is the man, the myth, the legend BUCK CLUCK!
Chicken little messes up
Buck Cluck:’I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am’

Chicken Little hits a home run
Buck Cluck:’THATS MY SON!’

Oh is that Buck Ace Cluck the Mighty Acorns Legend?!
by Mr. Waternoose March 31, 2020
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