He’s the Cig Whale of his set
by EyeKnowEverything November 23, 2021
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an electronic cigarette (e-cig), named because of the silly color the LED at the end of the surrogate cigarette produces
homeboy quit smoking, but he's on those tron cigs now
by omgtristan November 27, 2012
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noun- one who mooches cigs(cigarettes)from their neighbor.
verb- to take cigs from one's neighbor.
Dude,your neighbor is a cig-head.
On my way over here, I saw your neigbor cig-head your mother.
by Goats October 31, 2004
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When life's being a bitch, relax and chill with your bad self, reach into your pocket and pull out your cigarettes and thus a cig break.
Bro down for a cig break, been down.

I was having a shitty day at work, so I stepped outside for a cig break.

Yo this party is bumpin dawg, grab me a beer i'll be outside having a cig break....Im sO DrUnK.
by Brewsk Hunter January 28, 2011
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Adjective. For one to be 'cig-worthy', one is so good at sex, phone sex, etc, that whoever they're with (presumebly a smoker,) got it so good they have to go have a ciggarette afterwards, thus making you cig-worthy. (Not to be confused with sig-worthy.)
"Oh, god she was so good, totally cig-worthy!"
by Stephie the Non-Smoker November 15, 2005
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An electronic cigarette used to help quit smoking traditional cigarettes. It is also considered to be a more healthy, green alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes and can be used almost anywhere. It does not contain the 400+ chemicals found in cigarettes and does not smell.
Hey man, can I hit your Dig-Cig? I don't want my mom to smell tobacco smoke on me.
by mynameiselizabeth July 3, 2009
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Blacking out from smoking too many cigarettes (getting a little too cig tarded)
Person1:Hey man get up! The house is on fire!!
Person1:Omg you're so cig-diculous right now! Rofl
(Everyone dies the the fire)
by 1234205666 September 11, 2013
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