What dumb Texans say when they actually mean chuck.
I can chunk a football over those mountains.
by Texas_slang June 8, 2022
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To agree with someone's opinion, decision, etc.
Me: I love the new kush i just copped from the plug.
Her: Chunk ! I cant even feel my face.
by KP Chunk March 21, 2018
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"Dude, I don't want that shitty thing; chunk it!"
by Catlikethief May 18, 2004
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The act of sucking a mans genitalia and being so drunk that you throw up your drunken dunkin donuts all over his appendage.
Dude, Stacy just chunked on Logan's cockmeat at the house of guydance!!
by Those guys November 26, 2013
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To be chunked; a chunker; chunkmeister

Chunking is the act of shitting for your friend/patient/random tramp by fisting said person in the rectum and pulling the shit out of them. The act may be considered one of generousity but it is sometimes necessay to go that extra mile for a friend.
Jim: "Hey Tom want to go Chunking later?"

Tom: "Sure, right after Hannah Montana, I have a mean ass chunker stuck in there."

Fred: "Yay!!!"
by HideandRun October 26, 2011
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Going down on a girl who's minge is yeast infected.

In many cases, the girl will leave her knickers on for days/weeks in order to cultivate the infection.
I pulled her pants down and it was like someone had left meat out in the sun.

She wasn't left disappointed as some bloke was well into chunking, and he went down on her as though she had gold buried inside her
by Shingami July 11, 2008
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