yoo that chank was lit
by December 14, 2021
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That stupid Chank is eating crispy wontons with KFC gravy and wasabi!
by Chimpanzaire September 20, 2021
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someone who is fat and chubby
wow he’s such a chank”
by clarehsk August 17, 2023
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A word meaning how much of a cockhead someone is. Usually someone who annoys another until they get angry.
Dude 1: Wow dude fuck off you chanks
Dude 2: Okay I'm sorry
Dude 1: Yeah now piss off you chanks
by The L-Tron September 18, 2014
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When your lazy and 'cheers thanks' is too much.
Graig: Oi Shem would you pass us a Rona?
Shem: we've run out we only got 4X gold?

Graig: yeah gahn that will do.
Shem: -*passes 4X gold*
Graig: chanks cussin
by ArrisL October 15, 2018
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A combination of a skank and a chunky person: A chunk skank.
Autumn and Kylie were being chanks when they walked around school with their asses hanging out of there leggings.
by bitches1000 October 11, 2015
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