spraying splooge into the air and making it rain onto various barely dressed women with large behinds dancing in a slutty fashion and wearing shiny fake jewelry
make it rain
and clear it out
pop champagne
into ya mouth, ho
by LJ Smith December 17, 2008
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That song by Oasis that everyone loves.
Someday you will find me, caught beneath the landslide, in a Champagne Supernova in the sky
by djf88888888 November 19, 2007
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Another term for a "golden birthday" which means you turn the same age as the day you were born.
It's Shelly's champagne birthday..she turned 19 on the 19th of May!
by Kaylalala17 April 18, 2008
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Coca Cola served in a glass, all fancy like.
"Would you like another Atlanta Champagne Sir?"
by akaikubi January 28, 2006
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Well known users include the Jimmy Kimmel Show
Chris Pratt: Oh this is really a Mexican Champagne?
Guillermo Rodriguez: Yea it is!
Chris: Alright.
Guillermo: I don’t mess around. Cheers.
Chris: That Is. . . Tequila.
by AltLore March 4, 2015
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The Main and the champagne

verb. to hurry

Use when time is short i.e. to a fuck buddy who likes to hang around
Fuckbuddy: I'm on my way now, can I stay the night babe?
You: I've got things to do, only got time for the main and the champagne

Sally: Did you hear what happened to Jeanette on the weekend?
Sharon: I don't have time for another of your marathon stories Sally, just give me the main and the champagne
by LHTLondon March 6, 2020
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Refers to the bowel movement that starts off with a small solid piece of shit, (the cork) and is then followed with an explosion of liquid - or "foam". This is a condition most often associated with the morning after a serious night of drinking.
"All that draft and nachos last night gave me a severe case of Champagne Ass this morning!"
by Nick & Mo August 5, 2003
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