Facebook. This internet fad has grown to the level of popularity where it does not require distiction from other books, much like Kylie, Beyonce, Bono or Hitler.
Pers1: Are you on The Book?
Pers2: What book?
Pers1: THE Book. Facebook...? What other book is there?
by Šteggs September 24, 2007
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A book is a clever analogy used to talk about girls.

Girls are books that can be read by guys.

Guys who are looking for a quick read are typically looking for a quick hook up with a girl. However, if a guy is looking for a novel, then he is looking for a long lasting relationship.

There are two things to look for in a book: The cover and the plot. The cover is how attractive the girl is, and the plot is their personality.

If you got to first base with a girl, then it is the equivalent of getting past the title page and into the table of contents. Getting to second base is reading a book like you would read braille...with your hands. Having sex with a girl is finishing the book.

When you break up with the girl, it is known as "putting it back on the shelf", and if you dump them harshly, its known as ripping the pages and breaking the spine.

If you heard things about that book, for example if she is a slut or something, you would say you read about that book in a book critique/review.

The Library is known as a place to pick up books. This is known to be a typical girl hangout. You can also "order" books through friends by having them hook you up.

The names of the girls that you are talking about can be interchanged for book titles through clever play on their names.

Note: Girls generally do not like being considered as inanimate objects such as books.
Example 1:
"Dude why couldn't you hang out last night?"
"Sorry, I was too busy reading my book."
"Sweet, how far did you get into it?"
"I was reading it like braille, and almost finished it, but then I got tired of reading and had to go home"

Example 2:
"Daaayum look at that cover on that book"
"I read that that book was a total whore in some book review"
"I don't care man, I'm just looking for a quick read"

Example 3:
"I'm getting pretty tired of this book."
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'm probably gonna put it back on its shelf. I don't wanna rip it apart like I did to my last book."
"Cool. I'm hanging onto my book for a while man. She's like the Harry Potter series...it's gonna take me a while to finish."
by CC Sebathia October 7, 2009
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An object that people place in front of their face in order to learn new information. Normally used by old people, however some younger people are seen placing these objects in front of their faces in order to intake new information. Also known as a text version of the internet.
Person 1: Damn my internet is down, how will I know what happens in the book "King Arthur", I can't get into spark notes!
Person 2: I think you just place it in front of your face and read it like you would a facebook status or a tweet.
Person 1: Oh, thanks dude! This is like text internet.
Person 2: Yeah man.
*Person 1 then falls asleep*
by xFrap February 16, 2011
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In the twilight zone, an episode which showed the dissappereance of humankind, there was one guy left in the world, a bookish type of person that read all the books that he possibly could.
In the end of the episode, he finds out he had all the time in the world to read every single book in human history, the problem was, that he broke his glasses, and could not read any book. he screamed "I had all the time in the world!"

Lesson of the episode? Dont take things for granted.

Books are cool, if you find the time to get interested in one that is.
by Not Zane August 3, 2004
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To be online Facebook; in the process of checking your Facebook account.
"Dude did you get the message I sent you last night?"

"Nah, I didn't get time to check The Book".
by Adam Keet October 31, 2007
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Awesome, enjoyable, fine, good. A substitute for the word "cool". Can be used in any situation when one is satisfied or content with the outcome of a situation. Can also be used to describe past situations. It is also applicable to any other instance that is not mentioned here.

The word book can also be used in a phrase that connects it to the other definition of book, an article of reading.
"That movie was book dude."

"Is that a new haircut? Lookin' book man!"

"That concert was so book, the library can't even compete!"
by TenaciousTacoK July 13, 2009
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A collection of paper strips, usually bound together and labeled on the cover or binding. The strips, or pages, contain various sections, or chapters, which relate facts or a story. Generally, all topics discussed in the book relate to eachother and form a point, which is the main theme of the book. Many books relate stories, whether funny, action-packed, romantic, horrible, dramatic, etc. Some books are very evil and discuss topics boring and very fact-based. These are called School books, and should be burned.
Thomas Thames, the modern day Hitler, organized massive school book burning sessions
by Sourbread February 3, 2005
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