Someone who is so terrible at a game, they have to idle #bad
Me: Wow kid you are so terrible
Noob: No I'm, you fuckin shitty
Me: #bad
by whiteboy-_^ October 22, 2007
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TO get BAD meaning to get drunk, messy, wasted, mingin.
BP---Hay mate, you going to get BAD tonight ?
Jack---Hell yeah dog, silly BAD !

Benji---Just broke up with Kelly mate, need to get soooo BAD!

Brett---Hay BP, did you see that crack whore last night she was silly BAD !
by Jam-in November 13, 2005
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Cj's new song "Bop". (Not good)
"Yo want to listen to Bop by CJ?" "Nah famski that song is bad."
by Lil Moses January 28, 2021
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Bad, as in doesn't follow direction or goes against, or just not good or morally right
thats a bad little kid, talking to her S mom that way.
by DLOADING December 19, 2016
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The most shit a human could ever want the leader of all drug dealers and will be trillionares in the future building skyscapers and shit wiv diamond led by sinekan,ali and mahdi
THOMAS:where the fuck dyu work?
sinekan veeehwegweygerygeyufryufyuguysgyu:i work in the BADS
THOMAS:u wot mate
sinekan veeehwegweygerygeyufryufyuguysgyu:The BAD'S
THOMAS:no fucking way ,here take my shop and my money and my wife and my house.
by weedforaliving December 19, 2017
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An excuse talented people use to pretend that their creation isn't an absolute masterpiece.
Person A: I dunno, this Hinata/Kenma drawing is really bad...

by Yawni_naps November 16, 2020
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