(A). meaning if a person is talking for no reason. ( you will tell them, stop the extra babbling right now ) in other words, shut the hell up

(B). also meaning an individual doesn't participate in small talk or pointless conversations. ( you will also tell that person, stop the extra babbling)
stop the extra babbling right now. you're talking for no reason.
by stop it rn bra March 9, 2017
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When someone tries to make a statement that only they understand.(DTPB)

When someone thinks they have a brilliant idea that will change the minds and lives of others but no one understand exaclty what that is.

College Freshmen waste the professor's time with their deep thought pyscho babble.

I could not distinguish the speaker's main points from her deep thought pyscho babble.
by neight ford August 13, 2007
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It is a cat greeting, originally created to greet a kitten named Babatounde. Variations can be added, as long as they have the "b" sound and are funny.
Bibble babble the bosh-the Babatounde
by pookleblinky December 4, 2004
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(тормозить и базарить in Russian):

to suddenly stop working and engage your co-workers in a work-unrelated conversation.
if you want to haggle 'n' babble, don't come to work; go home, go wherever there's a social gathering environment. Just don't prevent anyone else from working.
by Sexydimma February 7, 2015
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she is genuinely the most perfect girl ever to exist. she is so fit, funny and fab 🥺. she is maya hawkes girlfriend. she is phoebe tonkins wife. she is loved sm by me xxx
rihanna babbles is so cute.
by kennedytbh July 6, 2022
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(тормозить и базарить in Russian): to suddenly stop working and engage your co-workers in a non work-unrelated conversation.
if you want to haggle and babble, don't come to work, go home; go to a marketplace. Just don't prevent anyone else from working.
by Sexydimma November 22, 2014
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The inane and sensless chatter of any two sports announcers during televised sporting events in an effort to avoid dead air.
John Madden,Dick Vitale and any other "rabid" color commentators spouting incessent yack and babble sports trivia, in an effort to avoid dead air.
by Katzgalore October 2, 2013
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