by N. Griffin February 4, 2005
You are so bewildering.
by #Crann December 27, 2013
An emotional space in which you become hopelessly tangled, unable to see the trees, blind to the forest, wandering in circles, lost.
How had the relationship gone wrong? Could she have just trashed him? No, she must have meant... something else... because... words are only words, he can't be all of those things she called him... or any of them. After so many good times... and why was it getting dark so fast? He'd find his way out of the Bewilderness, in a day or a year. Maybe.
by Monkey's Dad September 10, 2022
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adj. Amazed that one is so lucky in one's relationships; lucky enough to be dating an incredible girl.
(Often used in reference to Jennie.)
(Often used in reference to Jennie.)
by I think you know who... August 18, 2004
Originating from Walter Lippman's commentating on mass culture, the 'bewildered herd' is the masses that are tamed through propaganda and mass media in order that the machine of democracy is kept properly oiled.
The bewildered masses must be subdued, tamed, and injected with the popular opinion of the upper class of politicians, heads of corporations, and all others belonging to the elite class of intellectuals and wealthy, in order to govern a nation and circumvent any defect in democracy.
The bewildered masses must be subdued, tamed, and injected with the popular opinion of the upper class of politicians, heads of corporations, and all others belonging to the elite class of intellectuals and wealthy, in order to govern a nation and circumvent any defect in democracy.
The single function of the bewildered masses is to be spectators, not participants, in a democratic nation.
The bewildered masses give their power to a benevolent overlord who makes decisions (apparently) for the good of them all.
The bewildered masses give their power to a benevolent overlord who makes decisions (apparently) for the good of them all.
by chjangounchained October 19, 2016