"You're so mean"
"Your Mum is mean"
by AbbySalz January 11, 2017
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Sumthing that is said when someone bums you out and you've got no comeback for it....
"You look so cool with those man-tit's of yours"
"Your Mum!"
by tDRAW June 11, 2005
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A classy lady of fairly hefty build.
'You're a good player and your mum is a classy lady.'
-bungie.net dynamic header
by stormrecon March 31, 2011
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a great word, can be said anytime and never gets over-used.
D'you wanna come over my house tonight?

Your mum wants to go to your house tonight!

You Suck!

Your mum sucks!
by urmumgotowned March 27, 2008
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ya mum is so fat joke ha ha
your mum is so fat she whent out in high heals and cameback in flip flops
by jammasterflash September 24, 2007
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A phrase that can be substituted into quotes to make them funny.
"Pitiful Mortal. Your mum ends here! And your meaningless existance with it!" ~ Seymour Flux, FFX

"Gwa-ha-ha and your mum are up to something." ~ Cait Sith, FF7

"Sin is my old man. Sin is your mum." ~ Tidus, FFX
by Steaver370 November 23, 2004
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