Alternate Definition to the medical termonolgy: It is the stage between childhood, and adulthood, in which as a child the male genital area is classified as a weiner, and as the child progresses into adulthood it forms as a penis. The stage between the weiner and the penis is classified as a wenis.
As Tommy progressed through puberty he witnessed his wenis turn into a penis.
I saw a boy goosin his wenis the other day.
by Canonball_DGeorge, March 6, 2007
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A dimple-like impression left when a fully erect penis makes contact with a breast augmentation.
Gee, you left a wenis on my boob.
by geyser7in September 14, 2003
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The single member of a group who is not up for a challenge or is too big of a coward to partake in any fun yet possibly harmful even.t
Lance you are being such a Wenis.
Either do it or you are a huge wenis.
by WayneJuanCarlos May 25, 2008
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