1 (Literal definition). A fictional monster of myth and legend that sucks blood and burns in sunlight and holy water. They are undead and their status as a vampire is highly contagious, due to the fact that a vampire's bite on the neck will turn the victim into a vampire, thus causing a vampire breakout. A vampire will sleep in a coffin by day and come out at night to feed on human and/or animal blood. They tend to have a high relation to bats, as they have capes that slightly resemble bat wings and they can transform into a bat. Vampires typically wear formal white suits or other uniforms; pairing them with black shoes, red bow ties, and a large, black cape. A vampire bites its victim in the area in between the neck and the shoulder, and it has large, menacing fangs; extremely pale skin, and, occasionally, claws.

2 (Personal definition). A creature that began to turn un-cool after the release of the piece of crap that they call a book "Twilight." Edward Cullen and Stephanie Meyer completely turned vampires into pretty-boy, non-human-blood-sucking, sparkly, twiggy wimps. A vampire is supposed to BURN in sunlight, not sparkle in it; a vampire must kill everything, not go 'Oh, I'm so wimpy that I'm not gonna hurt humans.'; a vampire must be evil, not nice. The modern definition of Vampire is now "A little lover creature that sparkles in sunlight and will not hurt humans." I swear, I hate Twilight for messing up the true meaning of the word "vampire."
1. Oh my God, Drake, a vampire just bit me! I think I'm going to turn into one! OUCH!

2. Oh, look at me, I'm a pretty fairy.
by TheReshiram December 19, 2010
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Giving a girl oral sex while she is on her period.
Dude last night I was vampiring my girl.

What day was she on?

The first...it was a fucking waterfall!
by bigbitch February 26, 2009
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A person who sucks the souls of their victims/partners, with no intentions of loving them. Usually a man but sometimes a woman. ie: a person who has not had one exclusive partner for an extensive amount of time.
That guy is a vampire. He won’t get in a relationship and will probably never get married.
by Sheila V. December 3, 2018
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Punk rock band from Ashland, Oregon and Reno, Nevada.
"Then the vampirates played and proceeded to absolutely beat the shit out of eachother and simultaniously amaze and confuse the audience with the ferocity of the music and the barroom brawl vibe they have with eachother. Bass player loses his strap and takes a knee mid-song so as to finish playing. Singer sees this and proceedes to barrel right into him with his shoulder and then, just in case that wasn't enough, kicks him while he's trying to play. Guitar player sees it and any rational person would go stop this violent mayhem with his band mates. Does he stop it? No, he runs and jumps right into them with the same abandon one would when one cannon balls into a pool. Only this isn't a pool. It's people and they're in your band." - Ryan Stark
by vampirates October 28, 2008
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What a lot of preteens/teenagers think they are, despite vampires' nonexistence.
Amy thinks she's a vampire; she says she's a vampire with straight teeth. What a dumbass.
by Keijiro December 8, 2006
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The process of being turned into a vampire.
"Aw man, did you see Jim after he got bit by dracula??!! He got vampired! Now he wants to suck our blood and he hates the sun and garlic."
by T. Philibeck October 18, 2008
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Beautiful, age-old creatures that evolved alongside humans. Pale skinned and incredibly strong. Have been known to leave hand prints in cars by pure accident. If a Vampire feeds on human blood their eyes are blood red normally and black when they are thirsty. Where as if a Vampire feeds on animal blood their eye colour normally is a golden butterscotch colour. Vampires can come out in the day though seem even more beautiful in the sunlight so they prefer to keep out of the public eye when the sun is out. This is why most vampires tend to live in the colder less sunny areas of the world. To become a vampire you must be bitten but left alive. It takes a lot of restrain for a vampire not to take all your blood whilst doing this. Once bitten it takes up to three days for the venom to spread. Time preiod depens on the closeness of the bite to the heart. During this three day period victims are often delirious and not many can remember much of their time except an extremely painful burning. NOTE: BECOMING A VAMPIRE DOES NOT MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL, VAMPIRES OFTEN CHOOSE EXTRODINARY HUMANS AS THEIR COMPANIONS AS AN INSTINCT, VAMPIRISM JUST MAKES THIS BEAUTY MORE PRONOUNCED.
For the first year of a vampire's life they will be less pale and red-eyed. This is due to the human blood remaining in their veins. Due to the blood new vampires are incredibly strong but this does not mean they are any less thirsty. Vampires cannot have children, A vampires body is frozen in the stae of when he/she was bitten. If a woman was pregnant at the time she would remain pregnant for eternity. Vampires cannot sleep and essentially do not need to breathe though many prefer to as their sense of smell would be affected. Some vampires gain extra senses on changing into a vampire. This is because, like their hearing, smell, eyesight etc, their characteristics are intensified. For Example a particularly charismatic person may gain the abilty to influence peoples emotions or someone who was quite good at reading emotions may be able to hear the thoughts of those around them.
I noticed the new boy in my chemistry class was extrodinarily beautiful. His Butterscotch eyes seemed to smoulder as he stared blankly at his textbook. I thought his name in my head and his eyes flickered to meet mine. I turned away, embarassed..
Little did I know, He and his angel-like family, were vampires
by 384ujrnd January 17, 2007
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