A promiscuous gay man continuously searching for booty; or a john willing to pay for the ass of younger gay men/boys.
Did you see how much of an ass merchant Mark was last night? He went home with 3 guys!!
by Matooke August 30, 2006
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a person who will assist in a munging expedition in exchange for money or food
Cyril and Billy were nervous about their first ever munging trip to their sisters grave, so they hired a mung merchant to help them.
by Martino231 June 5, 2007
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A peddler of penis. One who handles, touches, tastes, and is overall very knowledgeable about penis and penis lore.
Daniel: "Dude, I heard that David has a small penis."

SoS: "Don't be a dick merchant, Daniel."
by SoAS February 2, 2014
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A sportsperson whose playing abilities get super hyped because of 6-second vine videos.
"Mate, check out this goal by Pogba. Isn't he like the best midfielder at the moment?"

"Nah mate, have you ever seen him play the entire game? He's just a vine merchant"
by twitterbanterffs September 18, 2016
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a name given to football players that are only effective in the six-yard box, and have lack of skills in terms of dribbling, passing, and more.
bruhhhhhhhhhh haaland is a tap-in merchant
by soepicchill July 20, 2023
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; someone who is sick evertime they drink alcohol
'you are a whitey merchant
by oink234 November 14, 2007
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