To be stopped, questioned, interrogated, hassled, etc. by the police, often with little or no provocation by the stopped victim.
I got copper stoppered again last night on my paper route.
by Robert Anderson April 14, 2006
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I am gonna be a copper stopper when i am older to arrest bad guys!
by future copper stopper September 3, 2008
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1. Rejecting the reality of a workload by drinking espresso, napping, or playing Battlefield Heroes.

2. An assignment that you do at the last moment that causes you to have to stop your slug activities (sleeping, facebook, drinking monster etc.)
That essay was a real slug stopper last night.
by B471 January 6, 2010
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A title given to idiots, especially in video games, who think it is a good idea to stop in the middle of door openings and attempt to shot back, all while blocking some or all of their teammates.
Fucking door stopper got the whole team killed!
by DeeJaeRex May 13, 2011
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Used by women to describe their over bearing friends who will do anything to prevent a woman from fulfilling their destany as a notch on the bed post. Sadly, it may be noted that nearly all women have fallen into this category at some point in their lives.
Ron: Hey did you end up deep-dickin' Lean last night?

Bounce: Hell no, April was being a MUFFIN-STOPPER. She kept reminding her that STDs are contageous.
by Shock N Awe Special October 23, 2008
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A thread stopper is when someone writes such a good and/or long opinion in a forum, (or a definition on Urban Dictionary) that everybody else wants to match them but in the end doesn't write another opinion/definition because they can't write another one better! See star fox and also desert eagle
"Dude! That thread stopper stopped me from trying to outmatch cuz I knew I couldn't"
"Far out man"
by Hawke June 9, 2005
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slang for a NuvaRing, a vaginal contraceptive
When I take my slit-stopper out of the fridge, they make my cervix cold
by ToxicColledgy October 29, 2008
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