Stefanitis is a Vitamin-D deficiency due to staying inside all day and playing video games.
Man, "I just played 130 hours on Minecraft this week!"
Bro, "man, you definitely got a bad case of Stefanitis, try to go outside more"
by Jungle110 January 29, 2023
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any of numerous small rodents (as of the genus Mus) with pointed snout, rather small ears, elongated body, and slender tail.
guy 1: OMG, that little rodent just ate my cheese!
guy 2: It's okay! It's stefan!
by kwameromeo#niguhhlove August 5, 2011
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the worst fucking gay wad you will ever meet on the face of this damn planet. He looks gay due to his gay hairstyle. he usally looks like justin bieber but gay. and sometimes he will be tan. he gives you the finger, right in the middle of class. and then he tells you he hates you. he talks more than the average girl. and he has noooo talents. he is also referred to as a girl

but, some stefans that arnt gay are rare. if you meet one.

charish it.
guy one:hey who the FUCK IS THAT KID?

guy two: oh thats that gay kid.

girl:oh his name is stefan that must be why
by TANKEDyouzeee October 12, 2011
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When a guy jizz's in your ear and then bitch slaps you and fucks you so hard your brains come out of your freaking ears and nose
by scotty doo March 2, 2009
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A person who is egotistical and a white male. He thinks he can do everything right but is the kind of kid that cannot spell, does poor in certain areas of academics and plays xbox rather then PlayStation. A Stefan will tend to think whatever he has or is associated with is the best and will go on to gloat about it. While Stefan’s have good qualities like sports, things like gloating ruin it all. All Stefan’s usually make lies at some point to make themselves look better including saying their dads own divisions of coke called coca, or saying they are related to Freddy Cruegar. When a Stefan is loosing an argument, he will say the people on the other side’s opinions don’t matter and that they aren’t important. It is an example of his high ego.
You think you’re so good at everything!!!! You’re such a stefan
by Rx-z July 11, 2019
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