Abbreviation for “shit, motherfucker.” Commonly used after a screw up and you’re absolutely pissed
by Lovy_ May 25, 2019
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A smart sexy gorgeous girl that is always there for you. She is beautiful and wise beyond her years. Her personality is just as beautiful as her smile. She has a rocking body and a nice ass. She is mesmerizing, inspiring, and just a wonderful human being. Everyone wants to be like her.
by tyleristhebombbrahs August 16, 2015
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A native of Bejing China. Known to have sporadic facial hair growing off of his chin. Usually stores mass amounts of used gum wrappers and cream cheese containers. Known for saying such things as "CMFRTR?", "Board Games", "you people make me sooooo sick.... mentally."

The Chinese equivalent of Newman from Seinfeld.
Hey, I think Fang Shi just told us to quiet down at 6 PM on a friday. He says he is going to bed.
by ILLCseeker10 February 3, 2010
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Extreme expression of dissapointment.

Most likely derived from 'shit'.
I've missed the bus again!!! Shi-hats!
by theRealSheep February 3, 2005
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ew, he must be a shi woo!
by purplemask January 18, 2020
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shi-shmeh is a language used when you feel mad sad or just want to talk fast
in shi-shmeh shello means hello &shood-shi means good-bye
by shelagh August 19, 2006
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