A favoured choice for many Hollywood stars, Roberto Cavalli is a haute couture designer with a philosophy of standing out from the crowd--through the use of bright colours, abstract designs, and animal prints. Once considered quite "strange" and controversial amongst the fashion community, Cavalli is now a leader in the fashion industry, and his couture isn't afraid to flaunt it.
"Did you see how 'loud' and colourful that guy's shirt was?"

"Must have been a Cavalli."
by oh no she didn't! July 15, 2005
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When chunks of food become clogged in the drain of a sink. Mainly after washing many dishes. Legend has it that the salad was invented by the lords of Blaze Pizza.
"Check this Roberto Salad out." -Diego
"That's fucking disgusting." - Joe
by Prodigy_55 August 15, 2018
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Is the starting goaltender for the Vancouver Canucks. He is recognized as one of the best goalkeepers, in NHL history.
vancouver, hockey, canucks, orca bay, markus naslund and roberto luongo, roberto luongo's play
by nick czapi November 13, 2007
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the most overrated goalie in the national hockey league who folds under the pressure and cries when he cant get the job done.
billy:hey did you see the canucks game last night?

jimbo: yea roberto luongo couldnt stay off his knees, he kept blowing the game
by rojo johnson May 8, 2010
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One of Barcelona's top right backs and Xavi's covert gay boyfriend is Sergi Roberto.

Sergi is the 2nd best Barca player ever just under our glorious king Messi.

Sergi also ended Spain's dictatorship and killed Hitler. Sergi also invented sliced bread and influenced Arsen Wenger to make Arsenal.

Sergi also attended Toni Kroos and Luka Modric's wedding and even bought them gifts.
Fsg: Gianni I have the Xavi and Sergi Roberto love tape

Gianni Infantino: Excellent Spain's hope of winning the Euros is gone

Gianni puts the love tape in a box full of the videos of footballers being recorded by Gianni Infantino's goons.
by Sleeping pets September 5, 2023
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A sexual manouver that envolves a south western Mexican. The Mexican is required to have a small baglama ( Turkish musical instrument ) while being inserted in to any of the participants rectal hole. While this is occurring everyone else taking part in the sexual activity must be freestyle dancing in a middle eastern manner along with the tune of the Mexicans guitar.
Dude, yesterday this party totally turned in to a big dirty roberto
by Rod and Todd July 30, 2008
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