11 definitions by B Brian Blair

Andre Waters was one of the hardest hitting {safeties} in NFL history. Known by some as a dirty player, he always gave it his all and he always laid out players with bone crushing hits. Played most of his career with the greatest franchise in history....the Philadelphia Eagles.
Ed Reed ain't got shit on Andre Waters.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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Just another term for kickin it, relaxin, chillin, or whatever.
Bob: Sup man, how u doin today?

Tim: Shit, just Blue Jayin it today potna.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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One of the greatest {middleweight} boxers of all-time. Went undefeated in his last 80 fights and unfortunately passed away in a car accident.
I wish I could see Carlos Monzon take on a guy like Kelly Pavlik.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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1.n. A classic old school horror movie about a killer dressed as santa claus.
1. Lizloo and I are going to get some popcorn and watch silent night deadly night...then fuck.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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1. To appear from behind a curtain to fuck your girl when she least expects it.

2. Nickname for NFL player Brian Bosworth
1. Yo, I had Steph over last night and while she was talkin to her mom...I gave her the wizard of boz.

2. Remember Brian Bosworth aka the wizard of boz.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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1.n. The main "bad guy" in the cartoon She-Ra.

2.v. The act of fuckin your partner in the dark and then shoving a he-man action figure in their ass.
1. Yo, remember Hordak from that cartoon She-Ra?

2. Man, I got Misa wasted last night and pulled a Hordak on that ass.
by B Brian Blair March 31, 2008
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The hottest chick to ever come from the state of ohio.
Brian wanted to fuck lizloo but was too scared to talk to her.
by B Brian Blair March 30, 2008
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