random ex. Use it to avoid naming or numbering your ex'es in front of your current mate.
That belongs to my rex.
by sepiaD July 22, 2009
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An expression reminiscent of the Golden Age of the Jurassic Era, when ferocious lizards roamed the land. Thus use of the expression refers to anything that is big and bad, or totally bad-ass. Use of the word furthers the quest to win Alex $5 out of Zach's pocket for spreading a word.
by DicksForChicks January 16, 2009
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A minorly famous character that made a couple second appearance on Spongebob Squarepants.
My favorite part of the episode is when Octavious Rex goes 'Meep!'.
by tsudratsydal April 26, 2011
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Someone whose farts are so foul and lethal, they can kill more people than a raging T-Rex.
Oh no, Gaseous Rex just had Mexican food for lunch. Better get outta here before we get a whiff of his lethal stench!
by LonePooper January 27, 2018
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A nickname for the biggest whore one knows. Just like Tyrannosaurus rex means "King of the terrible lizards", Skankasaurus rex means "Queen of the skanky-ass sluts".
Guy 1: Dude, I think I can get an easy fuck from Tanya at the party...
Guy 2: Man, for your own good, stay away from her infested ass! She's such a Skankasaurus rex!
by Uberfart January 23, 2007
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taking a dinosaur-sized crap; would win the "shit of the year" contest; the kind of dump where you lose weight.
After not crapping for a week, I sat down and loaded up the bowl with a Gruntosaurus Rex.
by DinoDave May 6, 2010
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A low life, low social economic, loser of a dinosaur who is often picked on by the upper class of dinosaurs like the T-Rex
The plebasaurus Rex would go hungry for another day as he was broke
by Y0shimtea December 21, 2014
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