Pelvic region where the male genitalia is located. Also known as: the twig and berries; the mom-n-daddy buttons; the boys; junk; penis and balls; cock 'n balls; twig and satchel; your manhood
There was a bulge around the man region, but I still couldn't tell if Pat was a male or just had a fat pubis.
by jinn72 October 10, 2013
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The part of the human body which controls all functions.
Responsible for all logical and creative processes.
Is often used synonymously for common sense.
Next time you better use your brainal region before you do something stupid like that.
by SoccerKim December 3, 2010
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Derogatory nickname issued to capable pilots flying regional jets because their hat was unwedged slightly from their asshole during one or more mainline interviews.
That regional scum FO just kicked me off the duce canoe jumpseat even though I listed first. I hope he gets aids.
by A220isAregionalJet July 10, 2019
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The Unknown Regions are a part of the Star Wars galaxy which have not been explored or charted entirely. The term can also be used as a substitute for "vagina".
Matt: Hey, John! I tried to call you last night. Where the hell have you been?
John: Dude, guess what. I went on a date with Vanessa and afterwards we went to her place for some Netflix and chill.
Matt: Oh, that's why. was it? Got anything?
John: You kidding? I managed to explore the Unknown Regions.
by R0-GR40 June 11, 2018
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Usually in a movie when a character is nude, the camera angles in front of an object to cover up the nudity.
Aw come on, I wanted to see that girls tits! Screw region blocking!

(Example Below)
by DaUltimateMemelord June 4, 2019
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The crotchal region includes anything between the love trail and the taint. Can also include the exit only area (applies to guys only...except when in jail) but this only applies when the size of the foot impacting this area is over 12".

It's science.
Go ahead and try to kick me in my crotchal region and see what happens nucka.
by oldcarsbreakdown February 28, 2009
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