One who is an expert at raw dogging the hoes and not getting them pregnant.
He never uses a rubber when he fucks. That's a raw dog specialist right there.
by Vino_p August 5, 2015
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Intercourse without a condom with a beehive
I'd rather raw dog a beehive than have sex with her.
by JRCC November 30, 2011
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One engages in sex without a condom on a very slutty girl, sometimes better known as Dylan Glover.
Person 1: Hey man, Dylan fucked Jelana in the ass last night, RAW DOG!

Person 2: Oh shit, hes the Raw Dog Champion!
by cobbert March 9, 2009
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comes from the phrase to raw dog it, this adjective is to describe someone who does what they want when they want and is not afraid to unleash the hose of fury.
dude Last night i got sprayed by the all powerful raw dog randy in the treehouse
by micmillian December 5, 2010
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"Raw Dog on the Hog" is the act of going condomless on a fatty.
Jeff and I both left empty handed, but David was over there in the Jurassic Park arcade booth going "Raw Dog on the Hog" with that girl he met in the Del Taco parking lot 7 minutes ago.
by bEnharmony July 24, 2012
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A Raw-Dog Assassin is a person who can quickly and effectively sneak it in sans condom. Usually perpetrated after hours in less than ideal settings with company equal to or less than that of Shady McPlastic Handle.

To RDA is to explore charted and uncharted waters alike, in a manner of reckless indecency.
My buddy Mitch is a Raw-Dog Assassin! He RDA'd that girl in an Outback Steakhouse restroom last night!
by #Honey Badger January 17, 2012
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Normally in the college arena, a Raw Dog Weekend occurs when one hooks up with a different rando on a Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, each night raw dogging.
Did you hook up last night?
Hell yeah man, my RDW (Raw Dog Weekend) continued when I raw dogged that bitch.
by David Davidson December 2, 2007
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