That's them kosher chocolate or coconut cookie things the jewish people eat during passover. Chocolate and Coconut raccoons.
Have some of the raccoons moyshe, I'm saving the coffee cake for company.
by Manny F August 10, 2006
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That one raccoon that lives in your yard that you can't get rid of because it knows karate. The only way to defeat it is by hiring Jack-Jack from The Incredibles or Kung fu panda to fight it.
I don't go into my yard anymore because a karate raccoon lives there.
by Tater_Taco July 14, 2020
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When a woman performs fellatio and doesn’t use enough saliva.
Damn homie my dick raw, she gave me that raccoon head!
by Donut Operator June 25, 2021
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When a woman takes an ethnic penis in the butt.
Shabazz gave that girl a raccoon in the basement when he done did her in the booty.
by HoaglandTony November 15, 2016
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The setting for Resident evil 2 and 3. Its residents were turned into zombies by the T-virus, a Biological weapon created by the pharmaeuctical company, Umbrella. It was Nuked at the end of Resident Evil 3, killing all the mutated residents
by ~ThE EnD Of ThE RoAd~ June 30, 2006
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1) A metrosexual wereraccoon character in Lunaville Neoneelart universe based on N. Kavar

2) eastern ueropean web comics artist
Techno-Raccoon, the striped king of brainfuck and lord of trolling gives creeps even to the mighty pedobear
by floorfly87 November 18, 2010
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When fat girls on myspace take pictures of themselves from above to try and hide their enormous weight while wearing a lot of eye makeup to take attention away from their bodies giving them the appearance of a raccoon. Could also include vast amounts of cleavage as another distraction.
There sure are a lot of fat skanks on myspace posting raccoon aerials of themselves.
by Jack Stone October 11, 2007
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