To jump from a high platform onto a soft pad. See Pooch Pad.
"Lets go pooching at Niq's"
by Niq Hallgren January 22, 2006
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Whoever keeps dropping pooches on the floor of the locker room needs to quit NOW!
by mangus January 13, 2005
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A girls private part ie vagina, cunt
1. She wants you to eat out her pooch.
2. Do you eat pooch?
by mj 1234321 March 12, 2008
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In football, used to describe either of two kinds of kicking plays; a punt or a kickoff. The pooch punt is a targeted free kick intended to place the receiving team deep in its own zone, usually by aiming the kick to roll out of bounds. The pooch kick is either a high, lobbed kickoff intended to drop behind the opposing front line with the goal of the kicking team to recover, as in an on-side kick, or a low, hard line drive kick that is difficult for the receiving team to handle (also known as a squib kick).
1. "Man, he pooched that one beautifully, pinning the Packers inside the five yard line."

2. The pooch kick was recovered by the kicking team before it had gone the required ten yards, giving possession to the receiving team.
by iceking October 19, 2005
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An ugly looking woman i.e. a dog
My that girl is a pooch!
by Evil-Ernie May 31, 2003
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a word derived from vagina. it means the clitoral valve in a womens vagina.
I'd like to finger her pooch
by jay brenstuhl January 20, 2005
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