The tendency for pop culture to swing back and forth between vampires and zombies; when one becomes uncool (vampires via Twilight), the other becomes cool (zombies). The pendulum swings over the course of several years.
Everything is saturated with zombies. I'm tired. Call me when the undead pendulum swings again.
by hataraxia August 18, 2011
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"Poop pendulums" occur when one takes a very large and long shit that hangs from the rectum for a long time. As the shitter tries to squeeze it off, the poop begins to oscillate back and forth, often resulting in "brown balls." The pendulum effect can be caused by many different scenarios, though, such on on rough sees, during earthquakes, while sextashitting, and when mastecrapping.
"Dude, Tina gave me the worse case of blue balls, so I went to mastecrap one out. I ended up with a poop pendulum and brown balls. I feel much better."
by Squeezy March 26, 2014
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When Pendulum, A type of deck in the TCG Card game Yu-Gi-Oh! is getting famous by it's meme of being "The best deck ever" by content creator Trif Gaming.
Person A: Hey dude, I wanna start playing Yu-Gi-Oh! what deck should I start making for starting?
Person B: mhh I don't know, what about pend-
Person C: Pendulum best deck LET'S GOOO!!!!
by Lapp3rT July 7, 2021
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A laser pendulum is one physical form of God, A.K.A. Chuck Norris. The power of the laser pendulum is so fearsome that the Roman Catholic Church has begun using it in place of "Amen" at the end of prayers. It's sheer epic awesomeness means that any being who does not fully appreciate its existence and worship its almighty pwnage is not worthy of life.
No form of communication can express the ultimateness of the laser pendulum satisfactorily enough to appease the-

The guy who wrote that just died.
by djkhlaskjfh September 12, 2008
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A variant of the Slow Dance Chubby for those with more class. In addition to being a fun and awkward accessory, it keeps time quite well!
Partnered with the cutest girl in the class, I managed to make it halfway through "Sing, Sing, Sing" before the ol' Swing Dance Pendulum started up again.
by OminousT March 14, 2012
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Contrary to the seemingly magnetic attraction of vaginas during scissoring, an eternal dick pendulum occurs through magnetic repulsion when attempting to "make the penises kiss."
You know why you rarely see tip tapping? The eternal penis pendulum effect.
by Ligachev March 4, 2017
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Really saggy balls resemballing a science intstrument known as pendulums
That old guy has pendulum balls mommy!
by BROOM DICK TITS! December 4, 2010
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