Act of rapid jerking of the steering wheel right to left while driving, causing the vehicle to "wiggle"
Said when someone is driving, "Do a wiggling spree!"
by Sam Scott March 19, 2007
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When somebody says nigga a lot of times, or after every sentence.
lil darkie went on a nigga spree in his song "YEAR OF THE CAP"
by .,o November 5, 2020
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A poet who goes on a binge of poetry utilizing rhyme schemantras
His imagination sent out a swarm of pick-poets to go on a rhyme spree
by Wally Keeler March 6, 2009
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a five kill streak in halo w/out dying once.
after killing spree comes running riot, rampage, berserker, and finally over kill
hoorah! i got a killing spree bitches
by phobiktweek March 19, 2005
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when a girl is horny and to satisfy themselves make a status on facebook telling evrybody to call them, when really they r going to put their phone on vibrate n then put it in between their legs and dnt answr the fone
female: (all alone) im horny i shud go ona calling spree

male: (on Facebook) ooo she sayd to call her n im bored so i guess i wil
Female: ( fone vibrates) OOO OOO OOO thank u
by ihopethisgetsaccepted753273 August 24, 2011
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Popularized by the website "," this phrase is derived from the website feature that lets you instantly change the person you are talking to and selecting another random Chatroulett-er by pressing F2 on your keyboard. While many people visit the website to chat, others blithely waltz along seeking nudity and obscene things. These people press F2 at such an exorbitant rate, that they often find themselves accidentally skipping over the people that they intend to interact with.
Me: I was on Chatroulette and all I was seein was dicks. I went on an F2 Spree, and I fuckin skipped over the only pair of bewbs I found the whole night!

Frank: I don't understand... why were you skipping over the dicks?
by puertorican120 January 9, 2012
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When some friend on social system (usually unaware of the annoying effect) posts multiple shares in a short burst.

Quite common on Facebook.
John Someone just had a Share Spree again!

I had to turn off "Get Notifications" from him.
by Luiger March 6, 2017
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