Murray Chapman is a worthless douche bag who thinks saying the N word is a personality trait. Hell probably kill or abuse his first wife. Even though he’s 7 inches, he can barely get hard with any woman:p not even the one he cheated with. He cheats on his hot girlfriend who was too good for him anyways. He thinks he’s cool even though he no style and supports trump. He finished in 8 seconds and then cheats. Like, damn. You can’t be stupid and quick. Pick a fucking struggle.
Murray Chapman cheated on me. And he was so quick all I could do was give him a bj because sex was a waist of my time.
by shr00mchild August 10, 2020
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a strong and loving (possibly gay) relationship between the two murray bros brotherhood able to entice and engulf the souls of innocent gaymers
Woah, there goes the murray pact. They might kiss 😳”
by dino nuggee May 17, 2021
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The shirts most commmonly sported by one Joseph Murray. These shirts commonly entail a series of mismatched colours or the infamous 'london stripe' involving the colours orange brown and blue...the last time one was revealed in public 10 people died, 4 went blind, and there were various other minor injuries! The originator is also infamous for his appearence on CNN shouting about the infidels...
Hey is that a murray shirt?
by theshirtpolice January 23, 2007
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Taking a "Murray Day" is following your normal work schedule but not actually working. It is time away from work and family to pursue things that you don't have time for.
Were you sick? I didn't see you at work? No I was taking a much needed "Murray Day"
by Goitzy September 14, 2010
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One of the current three guitarists in British Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden.
High up in the Iron Maiden hirearchy, he's second only Steve Harris himself, due to the fact that he's stuck with Maiden more or less all the way (1976 - Present), with the exception of a short period they were left without him thanks to a rift between himself and former vocalist Dennis Wilcock. During the time he spent away, he joined up with Adrian Smith (now also one of the Maiden guitarists) and his band Urchin.
He's the one who looks a bit like Cupid, and could melt the ears of even the hardest of Metal fans with one of his solos.
Dave Murray? 'e's the blonde one of the two geezers who never left Maidens album lineups.
by NabeshinsWig January 13, 2006
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The constant repetition of a said subject on an internet forum. Derived from the film Groundhog Day in which the day is repeated again, again and again.

Originating from the Football365 Forum.
Person 1: Did you see the headbutt by Zidane on Materazzi?
Person 2: Bill Murray (This thread has been posted before.)
by Earl @F365 November 2, 2006
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Adam Murray is a Volume 2 character in the famous horror analog series on YouTube as "Mandela Catalogue"

Definitely not a fan writing this lol
"Oh look! Adam Murray explaining FNAF lore" - that one TikTok video I found
by some Adam Murray simp January 29, 2023
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