one who is caring , compassionate , full of kindness , gives hope to others , love radiates from them , and love is given with out a agenda of their own. A healer , of soul and body. Also known as the grim reaper of life , as the angel of mercy is the last spirit that is seen on passing. As it is the angel to end the pain and suffering on ones life and returns them home.
1. I never thought I would say this , but my girl is the angel of mercy. I didn't want to live before she came along.

2.That nurse is an angel of mercy , she saved my life.

3.She will be the death of me , my girl. She is the angel of mercy , and has taken my soul from me.
by maidmercy August 6, 2007
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Flushing the toilet, as not to clog it if your taking a big crap

-- Used if you are taking such a big crap that it might clog the toilet, so you flush 1/2 way.
Man, give that thing a mercy flush, so it wont overflow!
by J. H August 27, 2005
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A girl who not only attends Mercy, but has a ridiculous amount of school spirit and pride. As much as she whines about the school, she would never leave. Because the real world is nothing like Mercy, and any time the Mercy Girl leaves, she's got the urge to grab her Herve Chapelier tote and run like hell back to those auditorium doors.
God, that girl in Sports Night, what a Mercy Girl. She was completely losing her mind during games and races.
by ohhh snap. April 8, 2005
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when a person says something that seems like the beginings of a compliment but then just leaves it open ended and very uncomfortable.
"hi how are you?"
"i'm pretty good."
"you dyed your hair."
"uhh yep"
(turns to friend)
"talk about the epitome of a mercy compliment"
by holymoleydood October 9, 2009
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a handjob given because the girl felt bad for the guy.
Dude, i got a mercy jerk last night 'cause Judy found out about my grandma's death.
by s. po March 8, 2007
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liking a person post on facebook not really because you like it but rather as an act of courtesy toward them or their facebook page
Poor Jane, nobody responded to her facebook trip post for over a week so I felt I had to mercy like it!
by Ofer_G April 15, 2010
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When a celebrity asks if you want to take a photo and you don’t want to hurt his/her feelings.
Ben asked if I wanted to take a picture with him. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind but I wanted to be polite so I took two mercy selfies with him.
by Caligirllite September 6, 2018
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