In Germany (exspecially in bavaria) a lot of people own a mercedes.
Cars from Mercedes are even used as police cars, trucks or school buses!
by Deutschland May 29, 2006
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An automobile that started out being made by Mercedes, a company name after the founder's daughter. Later it was sold and became Mercedes-Benz. Now it is nothing but an over-priced Chrysler product being sold under the pretense of being a real Mercedes.
The trans went in my Mercedes again.
by jondapicam November 10, 2003
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The car that every Armenian rolls in or wants to have!
Armo Guy---> Bro did you see my new Mercedes? imma get mad ass in this fucker
by lenalena May 4, 2006
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A car that has no status anymore. They are basically like american with german badge. They have fallen off the ladder. Plus the designs are ugly and anyone can afford an old one now. They get lost in the sea of cars and they are no longer distinctive in appearance.
mercedes- car driven by people who think their shit dont stink. They walk around like they are gods gift. Nobody even likes their shitty cars anymore.
by Lokir September 20, 2007
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sexy, hoe, bitch, does whateva the fuck they want
Did you see that mercedes girl at the party?
by sdjfhsdjkghjsdkfha April 20, 2008
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