When you spread the lips of a pussy apart and cum in between the layers, making it a hummas wrap. If you wanna add hot sauce, wait till she’s on her period.
I went to Israel last month and that guy in the bar gave me a hummus wrap in the hotel room.
by Wowwhatagal April 20, 2020
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A group of Jews who are awesome. They come to Israel for 10 days and take control of the country. They drink, hook up, and make bad decisions. Fighting Hummus are one of the most legit groups in the world. A-MAZE-ING! They turned Israel upside down with all the shenanigans!
Did you look at all of the pictures of Fighting Hummus? They look like such fun and cool people. I wish I was part of the Fighting Hummus!
by Sir Hummus January 18, 2012
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A cum stain left on a pillow after ejaculation.
"Hey man, I might have left a hummus-tingus in your room last night."
by SpengDisciple November 15, 2018
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Sloppy dog shit left on the lawn that appears to look like hummus.
Get the crackers out the dog has left some lawn hummus for us!
by Rusty trombone player January 30, 2015
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When two girls smother a large cucumber in hummus and use it as a double dildo.
You should've gone to the bachelor party! There was a cucumber hummus sandwich show.
by 0atey May 31, 2015
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When bicurious, bisexual, pansexual and/or lesbians hang out really late at night.
Did you hear that Jessie and Carrie were out packing hummus last night?
by redheadinpdx October 20, 2010
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When a man cums inside a loose vagina and she drags it along the floor leaving a gooey trail in its wake just as hummus leaks out of a chinese hummus wrap.
When Alex finished inside of me, I nearly left a Chinese Hummus Wrap on his bathroom floor.
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