Slightly damaged items manufactured by branded companies. Of course branded companies does not officially sell this because it does not meet the standards the company has set.
by mightyewok November 26, 2018
Saying fuck you to everyone that welcomed you in to their city, and being as inflammatory as possible towards them.
by The Original Agahnim September 16, 2021
A "system failure" which occurs when an in-progress DVR recording "runs over" and catches up to the live, on-air broadcast, leaving the viewer to suffer through commercial breaks and other moments typically advanced past using the fast forward feature. Recovery can be attained by postponing the live review, or through the use of the pause and replay features, to refill the "buffer" of recorded content.
Can also apply to streaming video and related live-playing internet media, such as a YouTube video, when hampered by a sluggish download speed.
Can also apply to streaming video and related live-playing internet media, such as a YouTube video, when hampered by a sluggish download speed.
"Even though I set my DVR to record the finale, I just couldn't wait to watch it. So rushed home, got there about 20 after, and hit play, but after zipping though the first two commercial breaks I hit a buffer overrun and now I'm stuck watching the stupid commercials! Grar!"
by markfromhouston September 25, 2009
To run over.
It wasn't like they ever really had any respect for people to overrun, they just pretended to long enough to try and get the upper hand on them.
by The Original Agahnim September 16, 2021
by The Original Agahnim August 24, 2021
by Solid Mantis April 29, 2021
by TheMoonWasHere October 22, 2018