1. Embracing someone for a long period of time.
2. Milkin'a hug
You were really glomping that hug from that girl at the party weren't you?
by jwc2raven September 25, 2008
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To latch onto someone in a hug.
"I like to glomp hot chicks. ^-^ lol"
by Dave May 16, 2004
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a glomp is when a lady runs, jumps, opens her legs and suctions on with her vagina to another friend....
Girl: OMG *runs, jumps, opens legs*
person: I'VE BEEN GLOMPED!!! how deep is your glomp?
Girl: it's the deepest!
by bladderfaceman December 9, 2010
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a dangerous attack used by fat anime faggot fangirls wherein they charge at the target and tackle him/her/it with all 350 pounds of blubbering fat they posess. DO NOT confuse this as an friendly or affectionate maneuver. There is no way that someone as fat and ugly as these faggots crushing you with their oily mass could be considered friendly.
After that buttertroll glomped me, I couldn't walk for a week. Plus I can still smell her horrible stink.
by Ransom January 4, 2005
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What Shelley does.
A cross between a hug and a tackle or sometimes a pounce, usually a friendly form of greeting.
Shelley: "M!!! Hi!" *glomps*
M: "Choking! not breathing!"
Shelley: *crushes ribs*
by Duskatala October 8, 2011
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an awesome tackle hug by the glomp master Goddess
Goddess glomped everyone she saw!
by Tetty October 4, 2008
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