When one deficates in the geology department's bathroom on campus.
Guy1: Oh man! I have to shit bad!

Guy2: So go take a shit??

Guy1: Yea I will, I just hope I can make it to the geology building. I'm going to leave them a mineral deposit!
by Burminator May 2, 2009
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To leave 'collatoral' or cash when someone give you drugs/goods on credit.
"Leave a security deposit if yo' are gunna have to take my money to go 'get on'."
by Diego September 5, 2003
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The act of taking a shit in a semi-public area (i.e. alley, sidewalk), transporting it and leaving it on the floorboard of the nearest unlocked car.
"Dude, I just made a Dump Truck Deposit in that mitsubishi outlander. There was some chick passed out in the seat, but I don't think she noticed."
by stinkassnixon March 12, 2010
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The act of placing one's posterior against that of another and farting, thus safely depositing the fart in the recipient for later retrieval.
Deav asked his brother at the Indians game, "If you fart into someone's butt, what would you call that?" A guy in the row behind responded, "Well I'd call it a safety deposit box."

Deaver: "I gotta fart!"
Neil: "Quick, stand up and use the safety deposit box!"
by Deav, Belkins & Associates January 24, 2012
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A shit.
(loosely taken from the Reeves and Mortimer pilot 'The Weekenders', where the line 'I'd like to put a deposit on it. No, a monetary deposit.' is a running gag).
Where are you going?
Just making a non-monetary deposit dear.
by manta1 May 18, 2007
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its like regular vaginal or anal intercourse but replace the penis with the balls. these become like anal beads or cute little dildo nuts. the friction is a little harder to produce, but the intense feeling of bonding that is synonymous with nevada depositioning more than makes up for the lack of normalcy. anyway, you're from nevada, you're not looking for missionary position are you? you want the fresh. the epic nutsertion of delight.
A player handles a lot of money in life. He know the value of a real investment.
A nad properly alloacated accrues real interest. love interest that is.

two lumps of coal can become diamonds with this technique.
yo yo yo, i pulled a Nevada Deposit Box with my girl and left my jeweles in there for safe keeping. also, the value increases over time.
by cetera December 13, 2008
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when a chick is clean of any STD's
i've never heard of that chick puttin out she has to have a safe deposit box
by d-town slacker July 6, 2009
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