Aw, that T-Rex is a DD, it can't function.
by PineapplePower March 28, 2018
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dick deprived - the deprivation of dick for too long
Update: It is day 34 of me being DD and my moodiness has reached it's worst. Somebody send help... preferably in the shape of a very good looking man.
by 1975pseudo August 3, 2017
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Super happy even happier than :D
Hi !!!
You happy?
by Kimara biss January 11, 2021
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A pointless and highly obnoxious smiley. It's most likely that it originated because some idiot on an AIM convo made a typo and made to D's instead of one on their =D smiley. So now, every idiotic AIMer uses =DD as a spacefiller. A replacement for "lol" or "xD".
Person 1: I went to school yesterday.
Person 2: =DD
Person 1: ...fuck you.
Person 2: =DD
by Egaro February 1, 2009
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Drug dealer, person selling the shit to make you high
"lets blaze, ah shit i gotta see my DD first im out"

by Savoyo August 3, 2008
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When you laugh so hard that your mouth can't comperhand it so your eyes transform to another mouth resulting in a double laugh
Friend: Why did the chicker cross the road? - To get to the other side!
Me: DD
by janekmuric June 5, 2015
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Person one : Who were you out with last night?
Person two : DD
by BigBZ October 27, 2019
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